How To Plant And Care For Calathea Ornata

Calathea Ornata, often called the Pinstripe Calathea, is a lovely and decorative indoor plant loved for its colorful leaves and unique patterns.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the unique features of Calathea Ornata, optimal care and maintenance, and its contribution to creating an inviting indoor oasis.

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Calathea Ornata Quick Guide

Calathea Ornata
Calathea Ornata:
Common NameCalathea Ornata
Botanical NameCalathea ornata
Plant TypePerennial, evergreen houseplant
Native toSouth America, specifically Brazil
Soil NeedsWell-draining, fertile soil
Sunlight NeedsIndirect or filtered light
Growing ZonesIndoors, prefers warmth and humidity
FlowersInconspicuous, produces small white flowers
Flower SeasonOccasionally blooms in spring or summer
Height/SpreadGrows up to 2 to 3 feet in height, spreading habit
Pot Type NeedsSuited for containers or indoor planters
Soil PH NeedsSlightly acidic to neutral (pH 6.0-7.0)
ColorsDark green leaves with pink stripes
Where to PlantIdeal for indoor spaces or shaded outdoor areas
PestsSusceptible to spider mites or aphids
DiseasesProne to leaf spot diseases if overwatered
Growth HabitClumping habit with decorative foliage
ToxicityNon-toxic to humans and pets
PropagationDivision or stem cuttings for propagation
MaintenanceRequires regular pruning and consistent care
Drought TolerantNot drought tolerant, requires consistent humidity
LifespanCan thrive for several years with proper care
Watering NeedsRegular watering, avoid waterlogging
Feeding NeedsFertilize sparingly during the growing season
Calathea Ornata, recognized for its striking dark green leaves adorned with pink stripes, is a popular choice as an indoor ornamental plant, appreciated for its unique foliage patterns.

what Is Calathea Ornata

Overview of Calathea Ornata:

Calathea Ornata, commonly referred to as the Pinstripe Calathea, is admired for its lush, dark green leaves featuring pink or white stripes, adding a unique charm to interior spaces.

Calathea ornata, also known as the pinstripe plant or pin-stripe calathea, is a beautiful and popular houseplant with striking foliage characterized by pink stripes on dark green leaves.

This tropical plant is native to South America and is known for its unique ability to fold its leaves up at night, resembling the position of hands in prayer.

With its delicate, dark green leaves highlighted by pink stripes, this plant adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any indoor space. Calathea ornata is a relatively easy plant to care for, but it does require some specific conditions to thrive.

Distinctive Characteristics:

The Calathea Ornata has impressive and detailed patterns on its leaves, making it a visually captivating plant that catches everyone’s eye with its beauty when used for indoor decoration.

Indoor Appeal:

This houseplant is highly valued for its aesthetic charm and ability to thrive indoors, making it a popular choice for enhancing indoor environments.

Calathea Ornata Varieties

Calathea Ornata Varieties
Calathea Ornata Varieties

Calathea ornata, also known as the Pinstripe Calathea, is a stunningly beautiful plant with striking foliage.

It is native to the rainforests of South America and is known for its delicate leaves that feature distinctive pin-like stripes in shades of green, pink, or white.

The plant is relatively easy to care for and can thrive in a variety of indoor environments.

Here are some of the most popular varieties of Calathea ornata:

Calathea Ornata ‘Albolineata’:

This variety is characterized by its narrow, white stripes that run along the length of its leaves. The stripes are often accompanied by a subtle pink or red flush, giving the plant a delicate and elegant appearance.

Calathea Ornata ‘Roseolineata’:

This variety features bright pink stripes that contrast beautifully against its dark green leaves. The pink stripes are often more pronounced on the undersides of the leaves, adding to the plant’s visual appeal.

Calathea Ornata ‘Beauty Star’:

This variety is known for its unique star-shaped leaves. The leaves are a deep green color with white stripes that radiate from the center, creating a striking star-like pattern.

Calathea Ornata ‘Vittata’:

This variety is similar to the ‘Albolineata’ variety, but it has wider white stripes that are more evenly spaced along the length of its leaves. The ‘Vittata’ variety is also known for its slightly larger leaves.

Calathea ornata ‘Fusion White’:

This variety is characterized by its bold white stripes that cover most of the surface of its leaves. The green portions of the leaves are often reduced to thin lines or veins, giving the plant a striking and dramatic appearance.

These are just a few of the many beautiful varieties of Calathea ornata. With its diverse range of colors and patterns, there is sure to be a variety that perfectly complements your home décor.

Why You Should Grow Calathea Ornata

Here are some of the reasons why you should grow Calathea ornata:

  1. Beautiful and unique foliage: Calathea ornata is known for its striking and unique foliage. Its leaves feature distinctive pin-like stripes in shades of green, pink, or white, making it a beautiful addition to any home décor.
  2. Easy to care for: Calathea ornata is a relatively easy-to-care-for plant, making it a good choice for beginner gardeners. It prefers bright, indirect light, moist soil, and humid conditions.
  3. Air-purifying properties: Calathea ornata is known for its ability to purify the air by removing toxins such as benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene.
  4. Low-maintenance plant: Calathea ornata is a low-maintenance plant that does not require a lot of attention. It only needs to be watered regularly and fertilized every few weeks.
  5. Adds a touch of the tropics: Calathea ornata is a native tropical plant that can add a touch of the tropics to your home. Its lush foliage and unique patterns will bring a sense of exoticism to any space.
  6. Stress reliever: Studies have shown that being around plants can help to reduce stress and anxiety. Calathea ornata’s beautiful foliage and calming presence can help to create a more relaxing and peaceful environment.
  7. Conversation starter: Calathea ornata’s unique and eye-catching foliage is sure to spark conversations with guests. It’s a great way to add a touch of personality to your home décor and to share your love of plants with others.

Overall, Calathea ornata is a beautiful, easy-to-care-for, and low-maintenance plant that can add a touch of the tropics and a sense of calm to your home. It’s a great choice for beginner gardeners and experienced plant enthusiasts alike.

Calathea Ornata Propagation

Propagate Calathea Orbifolia
Propagate Calathea Ornata

Calathea Ornata can be propagated through division or stem cuttings.

Here are the methods for propagating this beautiful plant:

Propagation by division

Division is the most common and successful method of propagating Calathea ornata.

To propagate by division, follow these steps:

  1. Take the plant out of its pot and carefully loosen the roots.
  2. Divide the plant into sections, ensuring each section has at least one rhizome and several leaves.
  3. Plant each part in a pot that’s filled with soil that drains well.
  4. Give your plants a good, thorough watering and find them a warm, humid spot.
  5. Keep the soil moist but not soggy.
  6. You should see new leaves or shoots starting to grow in a few weeks.

Propagation by leaf cuttings

Propagation by leaf cuttings is less common than propagation by division, but it can be successful if done correctly.

To propagate by leaf cuttings, follow these steps:

  1. Take a healthy leaf cutting from the plant. The cutting should be at least 4 inches long and free of pests and diseases.
  2. Dip the bottom part of the cut leaf into rooting hormone.
  3. Plant the leaf cutting in a pot filled with well-draining potting mix.
  4. Water the pot thoroughly and place it in a warm, humid location.
  5. Mist the leaf cutting regularly to keep it moist.
  6. You should see new leaves or shoots starting to grow in a few weeks.

Propagation Tips:

  1. When you’re trimming or cutting your plants, use a sharp knife or pruning shears to make neat and clean cuts.
  2. Allow the cut ends of the leaf cuttings to callus over for a few hours before planting them.
  3. Use a heat mat to keep the soil warm and encourage rooting.
  4. Be patient – it can take several weeks for new growth to appear.

With proper care, your propagated Calathea ornata plants will thrive and bring you years of enjoyment.

How To Choose calathea ornata Plant From Nursey

Calathea Ornata Propagation
calathea ornata Plant

When choosing a Calathea ornata plant from a nursery, follow these tips

  1. Inspect the leaves: Check for any signs of pests or diseases, such as yellowing leaves, brown spots, or webbing. The leaves should be free of any tears or holes.
  2. Check the stems: The stems should be firm and green, and free of any signs of rot or damage.
  3. Examine the roots: The roots should be healthy and white or light brown in color. Avoid plants with roots that are black or mushy.
  4. Consider the size: Choose a plant that is the right size for your space. Calathea ornata plants can range in size from small tabletop plants to large floor plants.
  5. Ask about care: Ask the nursery staff about the plant’s care requirements, such as watering, fertilizing, and light needs.
  6. Look for healthy overall appearance: The plant should look overall healthy and vigorous, with bright green leaves and sturdy stems. Avoid plants that look wilted, stressed, or have signs of neglect.

Here are some additional tips for choosing a healthy Calathea ornata plant:

  • Purchase from a reputable nursery: Choose a nursery that has a good reputation for selling healthy plants.
  • Ask for recommendations: Ask the nursery staff for recommendations on which Calathea ornata plants are the easiest to care for.
  • Buy the plant from a reputable source: Avoid buying plants from online auction sites or other sources where you cannot inspect the plant in person.

With a little care and attention, your Calathea ornata plant will thrive and bring you years of enjoyment.

hOw tO Plant Calathea Ornata


  1. Calathea ornata plant
  2. Pot with drainage holes
  3. Well-draining potting mix
  4. Watering can or spray bottle
  5. Pebbles or gravel (optional)


Here is a step-by-step guide on how to plant Calathea ornata:

Choose a pot:

Select a pot that is one size larger than the current pot of your Calathea ornata. Ensure that the pot you choose has holes at the bottom. This allows extra water to escape, preventing the soil from becoming too soggy.

Prepare the potting mix

Fill the pot about ¾ full with well-draining potting mix. If desired, you can add a layer of pebbles or gravel to the bottom of the pot to improve drainage.

Remove the plant from its current pot:

Carefully remove your Calathea ornata from its current pot. If the roots of your plant are tightly packed, give them a gentle shake or a little loosening.

Place the plant in the new pot:

Position your Calathea ornata in the center of the new pot, ensuring the root ball sits slightly below the rim of the pot.

Fill the pot with potting mix:

Fill the remaining space in the pot with potting mix, gently firming it around the base of the plant.

Water the plant thoroughly:

Give your plant a good drink! When you water it, make sure to pour enough water until you see it coming out of the holes at the bottom of the pot. Allow the excess water to drain completely.

Put your plant in a spot where it gets indirect sunlight:

Calathea ornata thrives in bright, indirect light. Put your plant in a spot where it gets plenty of light, but make sure it’s not in direct sunlight.

Maintain humidity:


Calathea ornata prefers humid conditions. You can increase the humidity around the plant by placing it on a pebble tray filled with water, or by misting the leaves regularly.

Fertilize regularly:

During the spring and summer, fertilize your Calathea ornata every few weeks using a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength.

Monitor for pests and diseases:

Regularly inspect your Calathea ornata for signs of pests or diseases. If you notice any problems, take appropriate action to treat them.

Calathea Ornata Care

With proper care, your Calathea ornata will thrive and bring you years of enjoyment.

Calathea Ornata Care
Calathea Ornata Care

Soil and Potting Guidelines:

Use well-draining, peat-based soil and plant the Calathea Ornata in a container with proper drainage.

Choose soil that allows water to drain easily and has lots of good stuff like plants favorite nutrients. You can make the soil even better by adding some perlite or vermiculite to the mix.

Light Requirements:

Calathea ornata prefers bright, indirect light. Keep your plant away from direct sunlight to prevent its leaves from getting burned. East-facing or north-facing windows are ideal locations.

Temperature Requirements:

Calathea ornata prefers warm temperatures between 65-75°F. Avoid placing it in drafts or near heat sources.

Watering Needs:

Calathea ornata is a tropical plant and prefers moist soil, but it does not like to be soggy. Let the top part of the soil dry out a bit before you water it again. Give your plant a good drink! When you water it, make sure to pour enough water until you see it coming out of the holes at the bottom of the pot.

Humidity Needs:

Calathea ornata thrives in humid conditions. The ideal humidity level for this plant is between 60-80%.

If your home is dry, you can increase the humidity around the plant by placing it on a pebble tray filled with water, or by misting the leaves regularly.

Fertilization and Feeding Schedule:

Fertilize Calathea ornata every few weeks during the spring and summer using a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength.

Feed the Calathea Ornata with a balanced liquid fertilizer during the growing season, typically every 4-6 weeks.

Repotting and Maintenance:

Repot the plant as needed and maintain regular grooming to keep it healthy and visually appealing. Repot Calathea ornata every year or two into a pot that is one size larger.


Wipe the leaves of Calathea ornata regularly with a damp cloth to remove dust and debris.

Pruning and Grooming:

Take away any leaves that look dead or yellow. Trim brown or damaged leaves as needed to maintain the plant’s appearance.

Pest and Disease Management

Calathea ornata, commonly called the Pinstripe Calathea, is a gorgeous and well-loved indoor plant.
Just like any other plants, the Pinstripe Calathea can be affected by pests and diseases.

Now, let’s talk about some of the most common pests and diseases that can bother the Calathea ornata:


  1. Aphids: Aphids are tiny, soft-bodied insects that feed on plant sap by sucking it out. They can cause the leaves of Calathea ornata to yellow and drop off.
  2. Mealybugs: Mealybugs are little white insects that feed on the sap of plants. They can cause the leaves of Calathea ornata to become sticky and yellow.
  3. Spider mites: Spider mites are tiny, spider-like creatures that can cause the leaves of Calathea ornata to become yellow, brown, and stippled.
  4. Scale insects: Scale insects are tiny, shield-like insects that feed on plant sap. They can cause the leaves of Calathea ornata to become yellow, brown, and distorted.
  5. Thrips: Thrips are tiny insects with wings that feed on the sap of plants. They can cause the leaves of Calathea ornata to become silvery and the flowers to become distorted.

Common Problems:

  1. Brown leaves: This can be caused by underwatering, overwatering, or low humidity.
  2. Yellowing leaves: This can be caused by overwatering, nutrient deficiency, or pests.
  3. Pale leaves: This can be caused by insufficient light.
  4. Webbing: This is a sign of spider mites.


  1. Bacterial leaf spot: Bacterial leaf spot is a disease that causes brown spots to appear on the leaves of Calathea ornata. The spots can eventually enlarge and cause the leaves to drop off.
  2. Fungal leaf spot: Fungal leaf spot is a disease that causes brown or black spots to appear on the leaves of Calathea ornata. The spots can eventually enlarge and cause the leaves to drop off.
  3. Root rot: Root rot is a fungal disease that affects the roots of Calathea ornata. It can cause the plant to wilt and die.
  4. Powdery mildew: Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that causes a white powder to form on the leaves of Calathea ornata. It can cause the leaves to yellow and drop off.


The best way to prevent pests and diseases from affecting Calathea ornata is to provide them with proper care.

This includes watering them regularly, fertilizing them every few weeks, and placing them in a location where they will receive bright, indirect light.

You can also inspect your Calathea ornata plants regularly for signs of pests and diseases. If you find any pests or diseases, take action immediately to prevent them from spreading.


If your Calathea ornata plants are infested with pests or diseases, there are a number of things you can do to treat them.

  1. Aphids: Aphids can be treated with insecticidal soap, neem oil, or pyrethrin sprays.
  2. Mealybugs: Mealybugs can be treated with insecticidal soap, neem oil, or rubbing alcohol.
  3. Spider mites: Spider mites can be treated with insecticidal soap, neem oil, or horticultural oil.
  4. Scale insects: Scale insects can be treated with insecticidal soap, neem oil, or horticultural oil.
  5. Thrips: Thrips can be treated with insecticidal soap, neem oil, or pyrethrin sprays.
  6. Bacterial leaf spot: Bacterial leaf spot can be treated with copper fungicides.
  7. Fungal leaf spot: Fungal leaf spot can be treated with fungicidal sprays.
  8. Root rot: Root rot can be difficult to treat. If you suspect that your Calathea ornata has root rot, it is best to repot the plant in fresh potting mix and remove any dead or dying roots.
  9. Powdery mildew: Powdery mildew can be treated with fungicidal sprays. It is also important to increase the air circulation around the plant to help prevent the disease from spreading.

If you are having trouble controlling pests or diseases on your Calathea ornata plants, please consult with a certified arborist or horticulturist.

Pros and Cons of Growing Calathea Ornata

Growing Calathea Ornata
Growing Calathea Ornata
Pros of Growing Calathea OrnataCons of Growing Calathea Ornata
Beautiful Foliage: Calathea Ornata boasts stunning, decorative foliage with pink stripes.High Humidity Requirement: This plant demands high humidity levels, which can be a challenge in some environments.
Air-Purifying Qualities: Known for its air-purifying attributes, improving indoor air quality.Sensitive to Light: It prefers indirect light and is sensitive to direct sun exposure.
Relatively Low-Maintenance: It’s relatively easy to care for, making it suitable for indoor settings.Susceptible to Stress: Changes in environmental conditions can stress the plant, affecting its health.
Non-Toxic: Safe for pets and humans, making it a pet-friendly option for indoor spaces.Leaf Damage: Its leaves can be prone to damage if exposed to dry air or unsuitable conditions.
Decorative Value: Its unique foliage serves as a decorative element in interior design and landscaping.Leaf Curling: The leaves may curl due to stress or suboptimal conditions, affecting their appeara
Understanding these pros and cons can help you decide whether Calathea Ornata is a suitable addition to your indoor plant collection, considering its care requirements and potential challenges.


In conclusion, Calathea Ornata is an elegant and visually captivating indoor plant, perfect for enhancing indoor environments with its unique and vibrant foliage.


How often should I water my Calathea Ornata?

Water when the top inch of the soil feels slightly dry, typically every 1-2 weeks. Adjust based on environmental conditions and humidity.

Can Calathea Ornata tolerate low light conditions?

While it prefers bright, indirect light, it can adapt to lower light conditions, but its growth may slow down.

Why are the leaves of my Calathea Ornata browning?

Browning leaves might be due to underwatering, low humidity, or excessive fertilizer. Adjust the plant’s care routine to address these issues.

Is Calathea Ornata safe for pets?

Calathea Ornata is non-toxic to cats and dogs, making it safe for pet-friendly homes.

How can I maintain high humidity for my Calathea Ornata?

Use a humidifier or place the plant on a pebble tray filled with water to create a more humid environment around the plant.

Can I fertilize my Calathea Ornata during the winter months?

Reduce or stop fertilization during the plant’s dormancy in winter and resume feeding in the growing season.

What causes the edges of the leaves to brown on my Calathea Ornata?

Browning edges may result from low humidity, excessive fertilizer, or inconsistent watering. Adjust the plant’s care routine to resolve these issues.

Author Profile

Leafy Lines
Leafy Lines
Step into the world of plants and flowers brought to you by Leafy Lines, a devoted gardening lover and someone who enjoys playing with words about all things botanical.
With a love for nature and a talent for growing things, Leafy Lines is here to be your companion in the vibrant world of plants and gardening.
Leafy Lines started a gardening adventure driven by a passion to create, nurture, and feel connected to the earth. From the initial steps into potting soil to the thriving garden today, the path has been filled with trying new things, gaining knowledge, and a profound recognition of the therapeutic joys that come with gardening.

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